Monday, June 30, 2014

Answer me This: June 29

Hello all! Crazy evening, due to some good news to share later, but wanted to take some down time to write :) my iPad is having touch screen issues though, so my answers will be brief.

1. How often do you take public transportation?

Here? Zilch. Occasionally a "just for the heck of it" light rail ride when we travel. But when I lived in Pittsburgh I didn't have a car, so used all public transit for nearly five years.

2. How many cousins do you have?

None on my mom's side, she was an only child. On my dad's side, I'm the last of eleven: seven boys, four girls; a 22yr spread from my oldest cousin to me.

3. Have you ever fired a gun?

Many, many times. My dad was a private gun dealer for many years, was an antique firearms collector to his death, and there are multiple concealed carry permit holders in my family, including Papa Bear. In fact, he just got me a new gun this weekend, for personal protection when he travels. But as responsible gun owners we take gun safety very seriously. All guns and ammunition in our home are stored securely, and we are diligent in teaching the kids age appropriate gun safety rules. We don't hide their presence, lest there be a sense of mystery and curiosity; but we go to great lengths to instill the serious requirement for constant, vigilant safety measures.

4. Do you ride roller coasters?

Riding coasters with my dad is one of my favorite childhood memories. I used to love all types of coasters, but I have found that, post-SCI, I no longer feel comfortable riding coasters that go upside down but don't have an over-the-shoulder harness. I presume it's because I can't brace with my legs, but the last couple coasters like that I went on, I felt frighteningly unsecure. And there are few things which truly frighten me like that. But because of the coasters I grew up with, I generally prefer the old wooden coasters anyway.

5. What's your favorite flower?

Tulips. Any color, or esp. two-tone petals. Also white roses, which are the flower of my sorority.

6. Are you allergic to anything?

Nothing I've ever been tested for; just the usual seasonal sinus symptoms from pollen exposure.

Big news coming later in the week!

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